Join the BPE team for the ICPE All Access and discover our posters and oral presentations!
Oral presentation by Pauline Bosco-Lévy:
Risk of malignancies in newly treated patients with disease-modifying drugs for multiple sclerosis: Assessment according to cohort and nested-case control approaches (OP-1D)
Collaboration with VAC4EU, oral presentation about Covid-19 related research:
Background Incidence Rates of Adverse Events of Special Interest for COVID-19 Vaccine Monitoring (OP-26E)
Impact of treatment sequence on survival outcome in patients with a second treatment line for metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: a new-user design in the French nationwide claims database (poster access)
Collaboration with SIGMA consortium:
SIGMA Consortium: A New Era of Collaboration to Study the Safety and Effectiveness of Medical Interventions (poster access)
Collaboration with the ConcePTION project:
A cookbook for estimating treatment duration from databases of routinely collected electronic health data participating in multi-source studies (SP07F)
Collaboration in multi-country data-base studies:
Novel Use of Harmonized Data Quality Indicators in Long-term Safety Studies Using Multiple Sclerosis Registries: Approach in CLARION Study (SP07B)