BPE has created a very high scientific level festival dedicated to pharmacoepidemiology: the Bordeaux PharmacoEpi Festival, which has been organized since 2010 (to date, 11 editions of the festival have been successfully held).
World-class experts talk about a topic of their choice. This original master class format allows all participants to stay abreast of the major news in the discipline as well as hot topics in public health.

Xabier García de Albéniz Barcelona, Spain Target Trial Emulation for Regulatory Real-World Evidence Generation
Ursula Kirchmayer Rome, Italy Environment, climate and medications: new challenges in pharmacoepidemiology
Patrice Verpillat Amsterdam, Netherlands How RWE is transforming regulatory decision making in Europe?
Robert Platt Montreal, Canada Machine learning in pharmacoepidemiology: When, why, and how?
John Seeger Boston, USA Effect Modification by Indication
Antoine Pariente Bordeaux, France 2010-2023 : évolution de l’utilisation des médicaments remboursés en France
Hedvig Nordeng Oslo, Norway European Initiative to Improve Knowledge about Medication Safety in Pregnancy and Lactation
Andrea Margulis Barcelona, Spain Validation of events in database studies on pregnancy Pharmacoepidemiology
Almut Winterstein Gainesville, USA Why design trumps analysis – pharmacoepidemiology in the era of big data and AI
Anton Pottegård Odense, Denmark The future of (emergency) pharmacoepidemiology
Tarry Ahuja Ottawa, Canada The Evolution of Drug Review in Canada – Integrating Innovation in HTA With Real-World Evidence
Cécile Droz-Perroteau Bordeaux, France Pandémie et réseaux sociaux : la (pharmaco)-épidémiologie dans tous ses états (conférence grand public en français – public conference in french)
Daniel Prieto Alhambra Oxford, UK Tools for distributed network pharmacoepi studies
Asieh Golozar Baltimore, USA Observational Cancer Research: Challenges and Opportunities
Rodolphe Thiébaut Bordeaux, France Data science for vaccine development
Vincent Lo Re Philadelphia, USA Opportunities and Challenges With Using Real-World Data to Conduct COVID-19 Pharmacoepidemiology Studies
Vera Ehrenstein Aarhus N, Denmark Validation of routinely Collected Health Data (RCD) algorithms
Nicholas Moore Bordeaux, France Des données de santé, mais pour quoi faire ? (conférence grand public en français – public conference in french)
Jeffrey Aronson Oxford, UK Clinical trials of therapeutic interventions during the covid-19 pandemic.
Krista Huybrechtsn Boston, US Using Big Data to Inform Big Decisions regarding Medication Use in Pregnancy.
Rosa Gini Florence, Italy Study variables in multi-database pharmacoepidemiology studies.
Nicholas Moore Bordeaux, France Pharmacoepidemiology & Pharmacovigilance : The Next Chapter.
Emmanuel Bacry Paris, France The French Health Data Hub.
Christophe Tzourio & Yuan Ma Bordeaux, France Boston, US Brain under pressure: new markers of and targets for hypertension-related brain diseases.
Catherine Quantin Dijon The validity of diagnoses in public health databases (with invited speakers)
Tania Schink Bremen, Germany Internal validation of outcomes in public health databases
Giuseppe Traversa Rome, Italy Governing pharmaceutical care: Do we need to worry about the “excessive” prices of drugs? A pharmacoepidemiologist perspective
Gianluca Trifiró Messine, Italy Challenges in postmarketing surveillance of biologics in the era of biosimilars
Bernard Bégaud Bordeaux [General Public Conference] A quoi peut servir la pharmacoépidémiologie ?
Kristian B. Filion Montreal, Canada The safety of antidiabetic drugs, and Distributed Drug Safety Networks/CNODES
Ron Herings Amsterdam, NL Scenario and prediction modeling In pharmacoepidemiology for health personalization
Munir Pirmohammed Liverpool, UK The excitement and challenges of being a clinical pharmacologist
Jacques Le Lorier Quebec, CA The Pharmacologically Pertinent Period of Effect. Are the editors doing their job ?
Susana Perez-Gutthann Barcelona Looking behind the code
Corinne de Vries London, UK Drug safety in pregnancy
Tom Walley Liverpool, UK Clinical research in the UK
John Ioannidis Stanford, USA Reproducible and useful epidemiology: why and how
Andy Stergachis Seattle, USA How to communicate benefits and risks, based on pharmacoepidemiological studies
Jesper Hallas Odense – Denmark Pharmacovigilance in low- and middle-income countries: need, issues, methods, case studies, and future directions.
Gerard de Pouvourville Paris Pharmacoeconomics in the modern world.
Til Stürmer North Carolina, USA Principled versus pragmatic pharmacoepidemiology: do we need to take sides?
Jaime Caro Boston, USA The use of DICE simulation for epidemiologic models
Marc Rodwin Boston, USA 1) How can inappropriate off-label drug use be managed? 2) Financial relations between pharmaceutical firms and physicians
Arnold Chan Taipei, Taiwan Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety in Asia.
Jerry Avorn Boston, USA Patients, doctors and drug safety
Sonia Hernandez-Diaz Boston, USA Are babies the only outcomes in pregnancy?
Stella Blackburn London, UK Considerations on risk-benefit assessment
Bert Leufkens Utrecht, NL Pharmacovigilance is here to stay
Saad Shakir Boston, USA Risk Management in Pharmacovigilance: what is under the bonnet?
Joshua Gagne Boston, USA Disease risk scores in pharmacoepidemiology?
Patrick Ryan Philadelphia, USA Lessons in pharmacoepidemiology from the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership
Martijn Schuemie Rotterdam, NL More Lessons in pharmacoepidemiology from the Observational Medical Outcomes Partnership
Morten Andersen Stockholm, Suède How things happen in the Nordic countries?
Darren Toh Boston, USA Prospective surveillance of newly approved medical products
Nancy Dreyer Boston, USA Observational Studies of Effectiveness and Safety: Practical Applications and Challenges
Ken Rothman Boston, USA Ten Persistent Research Fallacies1. The randomized trial represents the perfect study design.2. Results from case-control studies are weaker than those from cohort studies, and the results from cohort studies are weaker than those from randomized trials.3. Study subjects should be representative of target populations.4. When measuring rates, the person-time of exposure to an agent goes in the denominator.5. The control group in ca-co studies should be just like the cases except that they don’t have disease.
Ken Rothman Boston, USA Ten Persistent Research Fallacies (cont’d)6. When conducting multiple comparisons, take the number of comparisons into account when obtaining p-values.7. Account for missing data with an indicator term for “missingness” in a model8. A good way to categorize a variable is by quartiles or quintiles 9. A reasonable way to interpret data is by using significance tests10. Report power when reporting the results of a study.
Samy Suissa Montreal, Canada Time-related biases in pharmacoepidemiology: Randomized trials built on sand.
Jacques Benichou Rouen Attributable and competitive risks in pharmacoepidemiology
Syd Shapiro† Capetown, South Africa Oligognostic mega-analysis. Is Archie turning in his grave?
Michal Abrahamowicz Montreal, Canada Modeling the effects of time-varying drug exposures: alternative models, cumulative effects and further challenges
Olaf Klungel Utrecht, The Netherlands Improved control for confounding using propensityscores and instrumental variables
Jeremy Rassen Boston, USA Computational pharmacoepi – the frontier between computing and PE
Tobias Kurth Paris/Bordeaux The evaluation of different treatment effects in subgroups: practical uses of propensity scores
Bernard Bégaud Bordeaux « Who cares about The truth? Non-comparative comparisons are safer », the Guru says.
Tom MacDonald Dundee, Scotland A rant about everything that irritates me including data protection, privacy, consent, regulation and ethics, interspersed with singing, art, poetry, philosophy (home-spun and otherwise), fantasy worlds (where are we now) and perfect worlds (will we ever get there?) a bit about risks (to individuals) and benefits (to society), duty of care, politics, changing the world, how we and ISPE can do this and other random thoughts including expressing ideas that are not my own or new and more singing”.
Yola Moride Montreal – Canada Why do I bother doing teleconferences in the middle of the night for data safety monitoring boards when nobody cares about denominators?
Stephen Evans London UK Pharmacoepidemiology and the pharmaceutical industry: undermined by their lawyers & tarnished by their funding?
Judith K Jones Fairfax, Degge group, USA The smorgasboard of exposure options- drugs, biologics, vaccines, devices –how long do you count the biological effect in a population study…?
Miriam Sturkenboom Rotterdam, NL The european database festival:one happy family?
Alexander Walker Boston, USA Signal Detection